Binarri-binyja yarrawoo (BBY) is the backbone organisation for Empowered Communities in the East Kimberley. 

 Empowered Communities is led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, for Indigenous people and operates in eight regions across Australia.

Empowered Communities is a new way of working. Empowered Communities is a transformational reform that aims to empower communities by empowering people. It is led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, because we need to have greater influence and control over the decisions that impact on our lives. The Aboriginal-led reform initiative is underpinned by the principles of empowerment, development and productivity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders from each region are working together with government and corporate Australia to change how Aboriginal policy is designed and delivered. It aims to shift the Indigenous affairs agenda from passive welfare and government overreach to empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and individuals. 

In the East Kimberley, BBY is the 'backbone' organisation supporting the implementation of Empowered Communities. Using a place-based collective impact model, BBY supports its members to work together to improve the lives of Aboriginal people in the region. 


First published in 2015, the Empowered Communities Design Report is the culmination of 18 months of engagement and design work by Indigenous leaders, communities and organisations across the eight Empowered Communities regions. 
It proposes a range of reforms which build on decades of effort by Indigenous people to reclaim control in driving our own priorities for development.
