Kalumburu Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)
10:00 AM10:00

Kalumburu Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)

In each region, a coalition of local Aboriginal Organisations have opted in to Empowered Communities and work together towards developing and achieving an agenda for Aboriginal empowerment in their region. 

In the East Kimberley, we have 30 organisations working together in this way and we want to grow this membership base to build a truly Regional Development Agenda.

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Halls Creek Food Security Working Group (HCFSWG)
9:00 AM09:00

Halls Creek Food Security Working Group (HCFSWG)

  • Jungarni-Jutiya Indigenous Corporation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

BBY’s Regional Development Agenda (RDA) has been developed from community consultation with regional Aboriginal services, community members and leaders, identifying early years (coupled with language and culture, intensive family support, quality systems, quality learning) as an early priority for action in the RDA. 

Strengthening families and reducing the vulnerabilities of children in the early years requires strong collaboration between families, health providers, education services and family support service providers.

The Food Security Working Group is an important driver of cross-organisational collaboration and action, identifying and leading projects to improve food security outcomes for children and families.

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Halls Creek Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)
2:00 PM14:00

Halls Creek Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)

  • Jungarni Jutiya Indigenous Corporation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In each region, a coalition of local Aboriginal Organisations have opted in to Empowered Communities and work together towards developing and achieving an agenda for Aboriginal empowerment in their region. 

In the East Kimberley, we have 30 organisations working together in this way and we want to grow this membership base to build a truly Regional Development Agenda.

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Wyndham Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)
9:30 AM09:30

Wyndham Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)

  • Ngnowar Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In each region, a coalition of local Aboriginal Organisations have opted in to Empowered Communities and work together towards developing and achieving an agenda for Aboriginal empowerment in their region. 

In the East Kimberley, we have 30 organisations working together in this way and we want to grow this membership base to build a truly Regional Development Agenda.

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Kununurra Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)
9:30 AM09:30

Kununurra Local Management Committee Meeting (LMC)

  • Kununurra-Warringari Aboriginal Corporation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In each region, a coalition of local Aboriginal Organisations have opted in to Empowered Communities and work together towards developing and achieving an agenda for Aboriginal empowerment in their region. 

In the East Kimberley, we have 30 organisations working together in this way and we want to grow this membership base to build a truly Regional Development Agenda.

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1:00 PM13:00

ECEK Early Years Community Data Project_HC

  • Jungarni-Jutiya Indigenous Corporation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Empowered Communities East Kimberley (ECEK) has identified the desire for implementing a collective impact approach to reducing the AEDC vulnerabilities of Aboriginal children in the early years (0-7 years old), with greater collaboration and investment between families, health providers, education services and service providers.

This workshop is part of a series unpacking data related to early years in the East Kimberley. This workshop will explore data related to Thriving in Early Years, which is one of five early years domains identified by ECEK.

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1:00 PM13:00

ECEK Early Years Community Data Project_WYN

  • Ngnowar Aerwah Aboriginal Corporation - Community Shed (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Empowered Communities East Kimberley (ECEK) has identified the desire for implementing a collective impact approach to reducing the AEDC vulnerabilities of Aboriginal children in the early years (0-7 years old), with greater collaboration and investment between families, health providers, education services and service providers.

This workshop is part of a series unpacking data related to early years in the East Kimberley. This workshop will explore data related to Thriving in Early Years, which is one of five early years domains identified by ECEK.

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