Closing the Gap:
Consultation on Place-based partnership East Kimberley

22 February 2022 / in Regional Pulse

The WA Department of the Premier and Cabinet is holding a series of meetings with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations across the region.

Meetings will be held in Kununurra on 1 March, Halls Creek on 2 March and Wyndham on 3 March.

Empowered Communities East Kimberley organisations are invited and encouraged to attend.

The meetings will steer a course for a possible place-based partnership in the East Kimberley, where Aboriginal people can work with all levels of government on local plans to Close the Gap in the region.  A place-based collaboration is a way for governments and Aboriginal people, communities and organisations to work better together.

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If you would like to be involved in these discussions, please RSVP to BBY Office Mob at or call 9169 2272.