2021 Local Management Committee (LMC) Meeting Schedules

Please note schedule is subject to change - please contact BBY to confirm.

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past events

East Kimberley Aboriginal Business Survey- Launch Event

Empowered Communities East Kimberley joined special guests to mark the launch of the first Aboriginal-led Aboriginal Business Survey, aiming to map Aboriginal contribution to the business sector and the regional economy.

For more information please see our final report:

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Empowered Communities East Kimberley - 2019 Members Summit

The second Empowered Communities East Kimberley Members Summit was held in Warmun 23-25 July 2019.

The Members Summit was a significant event for Aboriginal policy and reform and for regional development in the East Kimberley.  

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Empowered Communities East Kimberley - 2018 Members Summit

The first Empowered Communities East Kimberley Members Summit was held at Home Valley Station on 4-6 September 2018.

The Members Summit was a significant event to bring Aboriginal organisations together, and give voice and priority to the Regional Development Agenda.


100+ Jobs  'First Priority' Employment Initiative

The Empowered Communities East Kimberley Aboriginal Employment Forum and Roundtable was held in Kununurra on 11 and 12 April 2018.

The first day (11 April) was a Forum for Aboriginal organisations and frontline staff in employment services and associated support services to capture the local knowledge base of ‘what works’ in supporting Aboriginal employment across the East Kimberley.

The Roundtable on 12 April focused on sharing the learnings and knowledge from the Forum with broader stakeholders, including government and business to harness commitment to local solutions and initiatives.

These events over two days represented a unique opportunity for an Aboriginal led agenda for economic empowerment.


10th Anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations

13 February 2018 marked ten years since the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. 

Supported by the Healing Foundation, BBY members invited other organisations and communities to join them to commemorate the event and promote healing in Kununurra and Halls Creek. 

Kununurra: 13 Feb 2018- 2-5pm - Youth Hub and Surrounds, Rod Hodnett Drive | Halls Creek: 13 Feb 2018 - 3-8pm - Pioneer Park

Watch a video from the day produced by Waringarri Media